Google My Business – What Is It and How Does It Work?

Launched in 2014, Google My Business became a business’s best friend for online searching. Google My Business is an online business directory that lets you manage how your business appears on Google Search and Maps. If you skip out on using Google My Business, you potentially will miss out on customers and sales. Why? Well let’s

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What You Need to Know About Local Business Listings

Ever heard the term, just “Google” it? It almost seems like this sentence is part of everyday life. When we are looking for answers, places to go, things to do and items to buy, we search for them. Another way we get information is by posting and checking our feed on social media. We ask

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Why Ignoring Digital is Bad for Business

The singular goal of marketing is to bring awareness to the business brand ultimately growing the company. Small business owners must be diligent in their marketing as they do not have people to delegate the task to as with large businesses. Small businesses would do well to see the value in digital marketing and if

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Does Your Business Have a Solid Foundation?

With a solid digital foundation, the sky is the limit! Without a good business foundation online, that perfect marketing strategy you’ve created will most likely result in free advertising for your competitors. What do we mean? To answer that, let’s briefly review the consumer buying process. When we as consumers have a need or want,

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Google Changes (Again) – Modified Broad Match is Out the Door

In February, Google announced yet another change to the structure of its keyword match types. Modified broad match is going away. This is the 5th time Google has made updates to the keyword match types. Some are saying these changes are positives and others are looking at them in an unfortunate negative light. What does

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Marketing Through Covid-19

Marketing Through Covid-19 During this challenging and uncertain time, we are here for you. We completely understand how this pandemic changes business operations by the hour and has very complex effects on your business. In order to support you and your business effectively, we have compiled the following list of COVID-19 resources and welcome a

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Another Social Media Platform – What is Clubhouse?

We know what you are thinking. Another social media platform! Are you saying that with excitement or negativity? Anotherrrrr – yay! Anotherrrrrr- ugh! Clubhouse is different from the other social media platforms that are out there currently. Our team believes that right now, it is extraordinarily rich in content (audio) from industry experts, leaders, business

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