With a solid digital foundation, the sky is the limit!

Without a good business foundation online, that perfect marketing strategy you’ve created will most likely result in free advertising for your competitors. What do we mean? To answer that, let’s briefly review the consumer buying process.

When we as consumers have a need or want, we do research. Most of that research is performed online. For example, after watching a commercial or seeing an ad, we head online, perform a keyword search or perhaps visit a few websites. We read online reviews, consult friends or family, or visit groups on social media and ask questions. Once we’ve gathered enough information, we make a purchase with a reputable company – either online or at a brick and mortar store.

As one of the businesses competing in this search, you want to make sure you’re showing up as much as
possible and providing a great user experience when consumers find you. A solid marketing plan is important. However, if potential customers can’t find you online when they’re searching for your products and/or services, chances are they’re finding your competitors.

Elements of the foundation

A strong business foundation has three elements to it. These elements include business listings, a responsive and secure website, and at least one social media business profile.

Business Listings

Business listings are public profiles that you set up within online search directories. They contain vital
information about your business such as name, address, phone number, website, hours of operation, and
more. They are a way for potential customers to find you online. 80% of customers use business directory
listings to research a product or company before visiting or buying. It’s critical that your listings be accurate and available.

By creating and claiming your listings online, you’ll be able to manage reviews, both good and bad, and show your customers that you value their feedback and customer service is important to your business. It also establishes credibility and opens the door to your online presence.

A responsive and secure website

A website is your number one marketing asset. In fact, 30% of consumers won’t even consider a business
without a website (Buzzboard.) That doesn’t sound like much but would you turn away 30% of your customers before they even have a chance to see what you offer?

A website doesn’t have to be a work of art but it does need to be informative and responsive. At a minimum, it should provide basic information to your potential customers. For instance, it should include:

Safe, and secure access
Most customers prefer mobile over desktop. Your website should be mobile friendly and responsive on devices your customers are using. Work with your website manager to apply SSL Certificate to your site. When applied, SSL Certificate encrypts user information and ensures their safety while browsing your site.

An informative homepage
Make sure your customers can learn what they need to about you and your business. With an informative
homepage, you can explain what your business is about and the products and services you provide. This
establishes a human connection and a sense of trust with your audience.

Accurate contact information
Lastly, your website should have clear and accurate contact information so customers can reach out with
questions or feedback. Be sure to also have links to all social platforms your business manages for an added layer of communication.

Social Media

You’ve got your business listings and your responsive website. Now let’s talk about social media.

A good social media presence allows your customers to connect and interact with your business on a more personal level. This goes beyond just posting updates. A solid social media plan also includes engaging with your audience and looking for ways to increase your reach and visibility. You don’t have to be on every social platform but be sure to manage those you are on well.

How do you do this? A good rule of thumb is to post a couple of times a week or at a minimum of 2-3 times per month. The content you post should be relevant and engaging for your audience and should generate conversation naturally. Don’t be afraid to look at social groups or businesses like yours to see how they’re posting.

It’s also important to encourage audience growth by inviting customers to like and follow your business page. Extend your reach to as many people as possible by boosting your posts and adding paid advertising to drive additional growth and brand awareness.

We’re here to help!

The team at Triple-Nine Digital is here to help you find your starting point and make sure your brand foundation is solid in support of your advertising efforts.

Our team will help you evaluate your online brand, what is going well, where you may need some help, and how other businesses like yours compare. From there, we’ll help you create a strategy for success and prioritize it to match your budget. We are with you every step of the way. Through fully transparent
communication and reporting, we show you exactly where your marketing dollars are going, the results your efforts are producing, and plan for continued growth. When you succeed, we succeed! Let us help you get started today!

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